i chose not to live in the place that i loved but rather to live with the person i loved (rich) and to have my children properly educated, hence we live in iowa, and it has definitely knocked me down a few pegs. i'm not as free here, but i don't expect it to last forever...our new mexico adventures, however, have come to a definite end. we ultimately closed the deal underwater in our mortgages and it will take us many months to recover financially. i do wish to punch albuquerque's housing market in its metaphorical nuts. but we have to look forward and be thankful that it wasn't worse--we could have gone bankrupt, abandoned the mortgage, lost a lot more than we did. i'm thankful we did not.
so, starting today, i am an iowan--time to change my driver's license and also finally time to start healing and try to get back to who i think i used to be. there must be something good to be found at the end of this story other than financial solvency.