my friend julia told me a wonderful story today. she has two very large weimarainers (they actually ganged up and attacked a neighbor's cat--very tough dogs!) who protect her house during the day. yesterday she came home and found her sliding glass door open--her dogs actually know how to open the sliding glass doors (and, again, are very tough animals) so she wasn't too worried about a person being in her house, however she walked inside and smelled a really funny smell and saw all these bird feathers all over the place so she knew something was off. so her first thought is that the dogs have killed a dove or something and brought it in the house, but the dogs are acting really weird and the feathers are long and big so she keeps looking around. as she is walking down her hallway, looking into all the bedrooms trying to find this poor dead bird, her dogs stop following her at the bathroom and won't go past the door. so she goes into the bathroom and there is an extremely pissed off roadrunner with one tail feather left on its body in her bathtub clicking its beak like mad. roadrunners are fairly big (like the size of a cat), aggressive birds and are not terribly friendly to begin with so you can imagine how angry this creature was that two dogs either chased it into the house, dragged it in there, or whatever. and sweet julia has anxiety issues anyway so this is just not a good scenario for anyone! her first thought is to close the door and wait for her husband to come home to get rid of it--can you imagine coming home and having to deal with a fierce, half-starved roadrunner in your bathtub? then she thinks maybe she can open the bathroom window and it will fly out, but she can't get the screen off. finally, since the afternoon is passing rapidly and she has to pick up her kids from school, she gets a beach towel, throws it over him, scoops up the clicking and writhing bird, and throws it and the towel out on the front lawn. the roadrunner crawled out from under the towel and just stared at her for like 5 minutes, totally stunned, then hopped up on her wall (with its one remaining tail feather) and ran away. i absolutely love living in new mexico.
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