gus woke me up yesterday with multiple "can we PLEASE go to the zoo?!", and after a couple of hours i acquiesced. and i am soooo glad i did. we hit the highlights, got some dippin' dots, spent obligate time at the play area (or human habitrail), and then headed for my favorites, the giraffes. while we were coming up on them i looked at one and thought, "does that giraffe have feet where there shouldn't be feet?" and, sure enough, she did--she was giving birth. we watched her for about an hour and in the end she gave birth to a beautiful little baby boy giraffe. gus watched the whole thing and was completely non-nonplussed. he thought it was cool. mom and baby seem to be fine. non-graphic images to follow (if you want graphic ones, i can email them to you). how freakin' cool is that!

How beautiful. This is one of my favorite places. Have you ever seen the "hello" bird again. I want to go back to the zoo.