lovely time-wasters here. what type of american english do you speak? you can do one or two quizzes: the first (here) gauges your american accent by pronunciation of certain words; the second (here) is more vocabulary-based. they seem to be pretty accurate: my first test gave my region as southern and the second test said i was 50% general american english, 40% dixie, 10% yankee (?) and 0% midwestern or upper midwestern. of course, to quote a very witty albuquerquean, they don't have any questions relating to the southwestern or new mexican accents like, "when you say 'why' does it sound like '¿que?' or "do you add 'no?' to the end of a sentence to make it a question?" to this i add "is mijito/mijita part of your daily vocabulary?" oh well--maybe version 2.0 will have that. post your results!
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