Friday, August 3, 2007

assault on the backyard, day 26

i had a really nice talk with the previous owner of our possibly cursed house today, and i now have the total picture of what is going on with the sewers. and no, he didn't randomly install a kitchen sink disposal onto a greywater system--he had a huge new septic system built for it that i, the plumbers, and the EPA suits missed. while talking to him we also realized that i could have hired him as a consultant and flown him round-trip to albuquerque and back for less than what i am now going to spend on fixing this mess...major life lesson there. anyway, now things make sense, although nothing in the middle of the house works, and i so wish i had called him sooner. c'est la vie.

we have a repair plan for next week that unfortunately includes digging up our brick floors and cutting through our foundation to get to the pipes. that sucks. on the plus side katie and barry are coming tomorrow morning to stay with us for a couple of days! i got the sewer guy to open up the release trap on the kitchen sink line, so now all our water that should be going into the septic just releases onto the patio. lovely. it's just from the kitchen sink and the dishwasher, so it isn't as bad as it sounds. here's hoping that neither sophie nor gus decide to cram anything down that open hole on the patio...

hope your weekend is more sanitary than ours!

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