Friday, July 18, 2008

is it true?

is my stalker expecting? i am so happy for you! what a lucky baby he/she will be with such wonderful parents. yay you and f and please let me know how you are doing!


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  3. (previous comments deleted with cause...)

    Yes it's true! I'm 15 weeks today. I'm getting a stomach (though not as nice as that bikini lady!!!!) and I have to tell work soon. I keep putting it off (damn old boys network has me intimidated, even though I know my worry is worse than how my partners are actually going to react)--and Frank said, okay, you really need to tell. So I'm working up the nerve. When I talked to Rich around his birthday he was teasing me saying--you know, by the time Missy was your age we had a child--and I was telling him that he'd be the first to know--at that time we weren't telling anyone but I was dying to tell!! Anyway, thanks for your love and support. Love the pictures of the hummingbirds--very cool photographic study in growth and development! And congrats on rich quitting his job!!!! I know he'll be okay--especially with you at the helm!! Talk to you soon and hi to Sophie and Gus. love, Erin
