Tuesday, October 30, 2007

gus' mental health day

happy, relaxed boy

every now and then gus really starts needing a day off. and i am totally fine with that--everyone needs a mental health day sometimes and, fortunately, i am plenty happy to have him at home. gus' coping skills have been kinda running in high gear lately, so a couple of weeks ago i let him take the day off--it was largely in response to his passing his first strep test of the season. we played with sophie all day and even ate lunch with daddy then ben & jerry's for a snack. it was a good, good day.

gus observing sophie's world

(reminds me so much of this--andrew wyeth, "christina's world," 1948)

crazy girl!

crazy boy!

we managed a physics lesson

and another physics lesson

and even squeezed in a natural science lesson--cool creepy bug!

UPDATE: what timing! the new york times published this article yesterday about one principal's efforts to lessen his students' stress.

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